Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Penguin Parade

This week we started our unit on Penguins. It's been fun and there's more to come! :) We did the penguin version of the Hokey Pokey and sang songs about penguins and did a finger play as well. We talked about what other animals are also black and white.

We've also been doing some other preschool activities that are not penguin related. Again, sorry that there are no pictures. My husband has been SUPER busy and slightly absent these days getting ready for a big test and I can't figure out how to do it. So, I hope to get pictures posted soon...
This is what we've done: Syllable Jump. This is the first day I tried teaching Carter about syllables. I grabbed a few items from around the house and put them in a container. He pulled out an object and then he would jump for however many syllables it had. I also showed him how many syllables by holding my hand in front of me and moving it up when my voice "jumped" for each syllable. That seemed to help him figure it out a little better. We also practiced letter sounds. I drew 9 large letters on a sheet of paper. I called out a letter sound and then he crossed off the correct letter. We also reviewed our phone number...I wrote it out in large numbers on a sheet of paper. After I called out each number he put a Craisin on it. :) When all the numbers were done he called out, "Ring, ring!". Then he ate the Craisins. :) We also practiced adding by using some of the sheets from where the child can practice adding shapes. Guess that's all for now!



those are great ideas - love the syllable jump! i may use that for sky... said...

yes! i was thinking about him and wondered if you could use that w/him. hope it helps. :)

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