Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pure Laughter

Yesterday Carter did not want to eat his required "one bite" of healthiness--this time a PIECE of lettuce. So, as he's whining and upset he says, "Mom, you should just send me away!" I asked him where I should send him. He said, "To Grandma and Grandpa's because they don't have a little boy." I laughed so hard it did help him to take his mind off things and eat the lettuce. :)


Leah Wentzel said...

aren't kids funny :)

Shelly Marie said...

That is so funny!! Sometimes I am amazed at what they say!!! =)

becky@purposefulhomemaking.com said...

indeed, they are! :)

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Looking for a natural approach to teaching your young child to use the potty? This ebook shares the tried and true approach I used with our young children. For only $1.99 you will learn how to teach your child to use the potty naturally in a stress free environment.