Thursday, December 4, 2008


I'm trying to catch up here from the last few days. We're doing our 1st Christmas countdown this year because Carter's finally old enough to care! Each chain has something special on it that we do that day (bake cookies for the neighbor's and invite them to the Cantata/Children's Program is for today). The other day was painting so we painted some ornaments to give as gifts (see below). They were actually really fun! We also just colored them with markers which was much easier for me. Lol! After they dried I put some glitter glue on them to make them **sparkle!**

Below is our first attempt at trying some addition. Carter had fun and so did I so I count that as success! :) As you can see from the sheet ( we added with blocks (we used his Mega blocks so he thought that was great) and we also learned what the signs mean (+ and =). This activity worked great considering I have a 16 mth old (Happy 16th Month today, Carlee!) because she could also play with the blocks while I was working with Carter.



love the christmas chain! what a great idea! and those ornaments are sooo cute :) i just love that age - everything is so much fun! and i'm impressed with his math skills! said...

Thanks! Those ornaments were so cheap like 40 cents or something at Joann's on Black Friday. woo hoo! :) yes, he LOVES his chain! we do it every a.m. after bfast. :)I'm loving being a mom and i love that we can swap ideas on the bloggies! :) said...
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