Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring, are you here yet?

Well, it is April and yet it has been snowing for the past TWO days. I don't want to complain in my heart about it because God is sovereign even over the weather, however, I am praying that He would send warm weather soon!

As for preschool...well, back in January I found out we were expecting baby #3 and I was QUITE ill so not a lot got done for preschool unfortunately. :( I am much better now, thankfully! However, I seem to be more tired than I ever have been in my life so it is hard for me to be super creative with the preschool stuff these days...:( We are back in the reading program at the library (had taken a break during the rough winter). While Carter is in reading group I always check out books, videos, books on tape and try to get a theme kit as well for him to keep up with learning at home. We are also doing a couple of books I bought from Meijers (one is on numbers...his favorite and the other is letter sounds which he's doing well with also. He's even starting to spell words which helps me feel better that I haven't done a whole lot the last couple of months.). Anyways, with only about an hour break per day (his required time to spend in his room resting or reading) it doesn't leave a lot of free time for me to plan b/c honestly that hour for me is spent first napping (!) and then reading my Bible. I am studying about bugs with him so we've learned a lot about insects and he enjoys that. Starting this summer I will use a more structured approach to his 4 year old preschool which will take a LOT of the planning pressure off of me. I have curriculum that I purchased awhile ago that I plan to use. I need to get working on that too though (!) b/c I want to start this summer so that when the baby comes it'll be o.k. taking a couple months off of "structured" preschool. Of course we'll still be reading and learning but probably much more informally as I have no doubt I will be WHIPPED due to sleep deprivation and taking care of 3 little ones at home...Well, I guess that's allt he time I have for now...I have to take care of 2 kids right now!



you have already done SO much with preschool for carter - you deserve a break! :) don't stress about it - just take care of yourself and know that carter is doing great and learning TONS of stuff just from being with you!


ps - with sky, when he was 3 i did a little bit of workbook-type stuff with him once in a while, and we were always into crafty stuff, but honestly he mainly just played and did normal 3-year-old stuff. we didn't even send him to preschool till he was four, and he was just fine :)

becky@purposefulhomemaking.com said...

aw, thanks Velvet! I feel kind of bad I've let it go a bit...I know he's fine but at the same time I know how much he loved doing it and i feel bad we're not doing that as much.

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